¿Cómo se puede saber la textura de una copa de vino?

2023-03-06 17:22

At present, wine glasses are mainly made of glass and crystal.

The most intuitive difference between the two is the price, the price of the crystal cup is naturally more expensive than the ordinary glass. Ordinary wine glasses are thicker and reinforced around the rim to ensure strength.

A glass made of crystal contains lead, so that when analyzed with a high-power magnifying glass, we can see that there are various convex surfaces inside the glass, and the wine sticks to these convex surfaces when we shake the glass.

In addition, crystal material has strong toughness, high wear resistance, light refraction point is also extremely rich.

When you hold a crystal cup up and turn it against the light, you will find that it looks like a delicate artifact, white and clear, reflecting the charming colorful light.

Otro es escuchar el sonido, que comúnmente se conoce como"copas tintineando". El sonido del cristal es más fuerte y claro que el del cristal, y la experiencia es mejor.

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